One way to add VIA to your wallet in Kibisis is to copy and paste the app id into Kibisis after clicking the button labeled Add Asset.


  1. The app id for VIA is 6779767 . We will copy and paste this number into Kibisis in the following steps.

  2. Select the wallet you wish to add VIA to in the left side of the popup window. This should be 1 or 2 of the rounded purple wallet icons. Selection one and verify that it is the right address.

  3. Find and click the button labelled add asset.

  4. Copy and paste the app id of VIA from step 1 into the input field. Once entered VIA, aka Voi Incentive Asset will appear. Verify the app id and click the row displaying the asset VIA.

  5. Verify the asset details are correct and click the button labelled Add Asset.

  6. That’s it. You added asset VIA to your wallet!

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